10/19/22 BOOK SALES post 9:2f11 pkg Lou Dobbs hard news Uploaded by Susan Lisovicz on 2022-02-25. Previous MONEYLINE donut on set with Stuart hard news Next MONEYLINE CLINTON HARLEM PKG hard news You Might Also Like FEDERAL RESERVE EMERGENCY RATE CUT Q&A LOU DOBBS LIVE SHOT LAKE GEORGE on location hard news DICK GRASSO Reporter Package/Q&A FAREWELL CNN Q&A BIZ BUZZ Anchoring
10/19/22 BOOK SALES post 9:2f11 pkg Lou Dobbs hard news Uploaded by Susan Lisovicz on 2022-02-25. Previous MONEYLINE donut on set with Stuart hard news Next MONEYLINE CLINTON HARLEM PKG hard news You Might Also Like FEDERAL RESERVE EMERGENCY RATE CUT Q&A LOU DOBBS LIVE SHOT LAKE GEORGE on location hard news DICK GRASSO Reporter Package/Q&A FAREWELL CNN Q&A BIZ BUZZ Anchoring