10/19/22 MICHAEL MOORE intv live shot with Kyra hard news Uploaded by Susan Lisovicz on 2022-02-25. Previous LOU DOBBS LIVE SHOT LAKE GEORGE on location hard news Next MONEYLINE donut on set with Stuart hard news You Might Also Like Bartering Q&A from NYSE IN THE MONEY HOLIDAY FOOD & DRINK Anchoring DOW BELOW 10,000 Q&A MONEYLINE SPRINT donut hard news ART SOTHEBY'S CRIMINAL CASE donut on set hard news
10/19/22 MICHAEL MOORE intv live shot with Kyra hard news Uploaded by Susan Lisovicz on 2022-02-25. Previous LOU DOBBS LIVE SHOT LAKE GEORGE on location hard news Next MONEYLINE donut on set with Stuart hard news You Might Also Like Bartering Q&A from NYSE IN THE MONEY HOLIDAY FOOD & DRINK Anchoring DOW BELOW 10,000 Q&A MONEYLINE SPRINT donut hard news ART SOTHEBY'S CRIMINAL CASE donut on set hard news